Running of the Bulls

July 14th, 2012 marks the annual Running of the Bulls, a city wide event where New Orleanians and guests do their best to give the Spaniards a run for their money! The streets of the French Quarter are overrun with patrons dressed in traditional white shirts and shorts tied together with red sashes as they are chased by beautiful “bulls”, the Big Easy Rollergirl’s, New Orleans female roller derby team.


 Beginning at 8 a.m. sharp, the “bulls” chase runners and swing plastic Whiffle ball bats at those who dare not to keep up during the mile long run as they storm down Decatur and hopefully arrive safe and sound at whatever bar is closest to the finish line! With a call time set that early on a Saturday morning, a strong cup of CDM coffee might do the body good, but if you’re ready to run with the best of them I recommend a tall Bloody Mary bright and early to prepare your body for hours of day-drinking ahead of you. There are only five rules for this Spanish inspired Cajun run:

  • Run at your own risk
  • Do not touch the Bulls
  • If you go down, stay down
  • Do not stand still
  • Children under ten (10) use sidewalk.

After the run, if you have survived the spanks and spills, the Big Easy nominee for Best Latin Band, Vivaz!, will be performing tradition Latin music to seduce your hips and tempt your lips for an ice cold beverage. After the festivities, we recommend you spend the remainder of your day in the Quarter socializing with other fellow survivors, trading stories of gallant bravery and defeat! Grab a muffuletta from Central Grocery for lunch or at the infinite number of delicious Creole restaurants and perhaps consider switching from that stout adult beverage to a more family friendly & local favorite like Abita Root Beer to wash the day down! Registration is FREE, just be sure you can afford to let loose and enjoy the beautiful chaos that is New Orleans!

WHAT: 6th Annual Running of the Bulls in New Orleans
WHERE: The Sugar Mill • 1021 Convention Center Boulevard
WHEN: Saturday, July 14th
7:15 am Procession of San Fermin
8:00 AM SHARP El Encierro (bull run) begins

What To Do With Leftover Crawfish?

You sat down hours ago to enjoy some beautiful Louisiana boiled crawfish. Now your top button on your pants is unbuttoned, your shirt looks like it was used as a napkin, and your nose is running like a faucet.  You are doing your best to finish the crawfish off but the end is nowhere in sight.  You know you did your part but some other lightweights didn’t step up to the crawfish table.  You now have several pounds of crawfish left. You certainly can’t throw the leftovers away.  Here are some suggestions on what to do with leftovers from a crawfish boil.

– Omelets- all you need are eggs. The vegetables and crawfish are already cooked. The potatoes can even be used as a side dish similar to hash browns.

Chef John Folse Has a Great Recipe Here

– Crawfish- etouffee all you need is rice and a roux.  Save the potatoes for the next dish.

Try Emeril’s Recipe

Take the easy way out with Slap Ya Mama Etouffee Sauce

– Crawfish Bread

Here is a great recipe.

– Crawfish Pie

Gumbo Pages has a good recipe

Take the easy way out with Mam Papaul’s Crawfish Pie

– Peel the tails and save them for any other dish at a later time.

– Make a stock from the vegetables and shells.

– Or just eat everything cold out of the refrigerator

Do you have any interesting recipes of New Orleans and/or Cajun cuisine?  If you would like to send us the recipe with a picture of the finished product, we would love to feature it on our blog, Facebook pageTwitter, and Pinterest!  This goes for all of our products we are always looking for great ideas from our loyal customers!